James Etchells

Frontend Developer

A curious minded individual who loves to fix things. Seeking new opportunities to further challange myself and grow as a developer.

Portrait of James Etchells


Hey there, my name is James Etchells. I am a frontend developer with 2 YOE freelancing and a certificate in Full Stack Web Development from UCSD extension. Currently I am working as a Personal Trainer, while I continue to improve my skills as a developer. I am hungry for the opportunity to work on challenging projects and be apart of a close-knit team.

I have experience building responsive frontends, developing and consuming RESTful API's, planning and implementing database relations for SQL and NoSQL databases, deploying applications to the cloud, making CI/CD pipelines, deploying and managing docker containers, basic networking principles and DNS, working with GIT for version control, creating reverse proxies with NGINX, configuring firewalls, working with linux servers, system administration fundamentals such as user management and permissions, and creating and managing virtual machines.


  • HomeLab

    A proxmox server running multiple VM's including a TrueNas cloud, Debian server with Docker for container hosting, and a RHEL9 redhat server. A sandbox environment for testing new technologies and hosting personal services.

    • Proxmox
    • Debian
    • Docker
    • DNS
    • Linux
  • Placeholder

    CookBook Digital - Social Media Cookbook

    Explore and Share Recipes with this dynamic Full-Stack Next.js project designed for culinary enthusiasts. With Next-Auth integration, users can sign in with custom credentials or Google accounts to save their favorite recipes securely on MongoDB. The project serves as a playground for mastering Next.js functionalities, including Server-Side functions, while fostering a vibrant community of food lovers.

    • Next.js
    • React
    • Tailwind CSS
    • MongoDB
    • Next-Auth
    • Vercel
    • Mongoose
    • Node
  • Placeholder


    My personal website, deployed on Cloudflare Pages with DNS redirects to my custom domain name. Developed using Next.js and Tailwind CSS and implements a GitHub Actions CI/CD pipepline that triggers on successful PR merges and deploys to production using Wrangler.

    • TypeScript
    • Next.js
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Node.js
    • Cloudflare
    • Wrangler
    • GitHub Actions